February 16, 2024

Database Schema: The Need for (and Risks of) Iterative Evolution

Written by

Mark Freeman


The humble, foundational aspects of data environments make it possible for modern tools, solutions, and platforms to scale and adapt to our ever-evolving digital world.

And while it’s understandable that an abundance of digital ink will be spilled to cover new frontiers, let’s not forget that said foundational aspects and their need to keep pace are just as important, if not more so.

For organizations of all sizes, database schema serves as a critical blueprint that dictates the functional structure of data management.

This is especially true for startups and smaller organizations, where data can be a significant driver of innovation and growth.

Database schema, defined

A database schema acts as the blueprint within a relational database management system (DBMS), outlining its logical structure and organization. Schemas are often defined using data definition language (DDL), which provides a clear, consistent way to define how data is stored in tables.

Database schemas also define the relationships between these tables, incorporating integrity constraints to establish and maintain optimal data quality. Such organization makes efficient data retrieval, query optimization, and overall performance management possible, playing a crucial role in database design and operation.

To do so, database schema typically encompasses a wide range of database objects (but certainly not all of them). Schema primarily focuses on the specific database objects needed to define a given database’s structure and organization.

Typically, these objects will include the following:

Tables: The core components of a database schema, tables store data in rows and columns, with each table representing a set of related data.

In the context of data warehouses or multidimensional database models, schemas often include more specialized “fact tables.” These specialized tables are designed to store quantitative data for analysis, known as facts, and often contain keys that link to related dimension tables, which store descriptive attributes.

Columns: Within tables, columns (also known as fields) represent the attributes or properties of the data. Each column in a table is designed to store a specific type of data (e.g., integers, text, dates, etc.).

Rows: Individual records in a table are represented as rows, where each row in a table contains unique data for the corresponding columns.

Primary keys: These are special fields that uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key ensures that each row in a table is distinct from all others.

Foreign keys: Fields in a table that link to primary keys in other tables are called foreign keys. These keys establish relationships between tables and are crucial for maintaining referential integrity within a database.

Indexes: Functioning as an “address book” of sorts, indexes guide databases to the location of needed data more quickly. This functionality speeds up overall data retrieval from the database.

Stored procedures and functions: These are sets of SQL statements that perform tasks like calculations and data manipulation that are frequently reused.

Views: A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. Just like a real table, views contain rows and columns. However, views are created with the data from one or more tables.

Constraints: Constraints are rules that ensure the data in the database remains accurate and reliable.

Triggers: Scripts that are automatically executed in response to certain events are referred to as triggers on a particular table or view in the database.

All together, these are the components that enable schema to function as the metaphorical blueprint, keeping databases optimally structured as their data is stored, organized, and managed.

A note on schema types: While they often focus on similar data objects, different schemas may vary depending on the nature of the data being used and the requirements of their respective systems. In exploring the types of database schemas, database administrators may use a conceptual or logical schema during the planning phase.

However, they may transition to a physical schema for implementation and then a physical database schema to manage the physical aspects of the database when it’s put into use. Data scientists and business analysts, on the other hand, might rely on star schema to enable complex queries or snowflake schema if data integrity and reduction of data redundancy take precedence.

The need for iterative schema evolution

Iterative schema evolution is a critical aspect of successfully implementing and managing a database, particularly in dynamic environments where business requirements and data models are subject to change. Its importance can be understood in relation to other key factors in database management:

Adaptability to changing requirements: One of the most significant challenges in database management is the continuous need to adapt to evolving business needs. Iterative schema evolution allows for gradual, controlled modifications to the database schema, ensuring that it can keep pace with changing requirements without disrupting ongoing operations.

Data integrity and consistency: While maintaining data integrity and consistency is vital, overly rigid schema designs can hinder necessary changes. Iterative schema evolution, when done correctly, allows for schema modifications while maintaining data integrity through versioning, migration scripts, and backward compatibility.

Performance optimization: Over time, it's common for the performance requirements of a given database to change. Iterative schema evolution enables incremental adjustments to optimize performance, such as indexing strategies and partitioning, without the need for a complete overhaul.

Scalability: As the volume of data grows, a database schema might need to be adjusted to scale effectively. Iterative evolution allows for scaling-related changes, such as denormalization or sharding, to be implemented as needed.

Compatibility with development practices: Modern development practices, such as Agile and DevOps, emphasize continuous improvement and rapid iteration. Iterative schema evolution aligns well with these methodologies, allowing database schema changes to be integrated into the broader development lifecycle.

Risk management: By enabling small, incremental changes, iterative schema evolution reduces the risk associated with large-scale database modifications. It allows for easier rollback, testing, and validation of changes.

The risks of iterative schema evolution

Attempting to enable iterative schema evolution without a data contract in place does, unfortunately, present several challenges and risks.

These risks are amplified in environments where data integrity, consistency, and compliance are crucial:

Lack of predictability and standardization: Without support, changes to the data schema can occur in an ad-hoc, inconsistent manner. The unpredictability this introduces can lead to issues in data quality and compatibility, especially when logical constraints are not uniformly applied across multiple teams or systems.

Data integrity risks: Sporadic schema changes can lead to data integrity issues. If a field's data type is altered without proper synchronization, for example, it could lead to data loss or corruption.

Compliance violations: In regulated industries or under laws like GDPR or CCPA, organizational data needs to be handled according to specific guidelines. Iterative schema changes can inadvertently lead to non-compliance, resulting in legal and financial repercussions.

Increased testing and validation overhead: Schema changes require extensive testing and validation to ensure they don’t break existing systems. While important, this process becomes more complex and time-consuming as a database needs to evolve, as there are no predefined rules or expectations to test against.

Dependency management issues: In a microservices architecture or in systems with multiple data sources, changes in one part often affect others. Managing these dependencies over time compounds testing complexity while the subsequent risks of system failures or downtime increase.

Difficulty in rollbacks: If a schema change leads to issues, a rollback may be required. However, this operation becomes difficult when no record of the previous schema state is available, or when data may have already been transformed in a way that is not easily reversible.

Impact on data consumers: Applications or services consuming the data may face issues if they are not aware of or prepared for schema changes. This can lead to system errors, application crashes, or incorrect data processing.

Scaling challenges: As an organization’s systems scale, managing schema evolution takes an increasing toll on data teams. Moreover, as the volume of organizational data and the number of interconnected services increases, the complexity and risk of making changes without breaking existing functionalities also grows exponentially.

Why your database blueprints deserve their own blueprint

Data leaders in organizations of all sizes need to embrace the reality that their database will need to evolve. Therefore, any means or method that can mitigate the risks of iterative schema evolution should be embraced as well.

Enter data contracts. For database designers and data engineers, these contracts can support the design of a database schema, not just its management.

Data contracts: Advantages for schema design

1. Defining data structure and format

  • Early specification: Data contracts can provide an early specification of the data structure, including data types, formats, and fields, guiding the normalization process in database design. This helps in designing database tables and relationships that align with these specifications.
  • Consistency across systems: When a database needs to interact with other systems, a data contract ensures that the schema is designed in a way that is compatible and consistent with these external systems.

2. Setting standards and constraints

  • Data integrity: By defining the rules and constraints for data, contracts help in designing schemas that inherently support data integrity and validity.
  • Standardization: Data contracts often include standardization rules, which are crucial in designing a schema with consistent syntax and structure.

3. Guiding relationships and dependencies

  • Relationship mapping: Contracts can outline the relationships between different data entities, providing a clear visual representation through an entity-relationship diagram in the schema design process.
  • Dependency management: Understanding the dependencies between different data elements as specified in a contract helps in designing a schema that efficiently manages these dependencies.

4. Facilitating scalability and evolution

  • Future-proofing: Data contracts can include provisions for future changes, which can guide the design of a flexible and scalable schema.
  • Iterative development: As contracts may evolve, designing a schema with the ability to accommodate these changes is crucial. Data contracts provide guidelines on how the schema should adapt, ensuring it remains relevant and functional over time.

5. Ensuring compliance and security

  • Compliance: Data contracts often outline requirements for compliance with regulations. This can be integrated into the schema design to ensure that data storage and processing meet legal standards.
  • Security protocols: Contracts may specify security protocols or encryption standards, which can be considered in the schema design to ensure data is stored and accessed securely.

6. Data governance

  • Governance framework: Data contracts often form part of a broader data governance strategy. Designing a schema with these contracts in mind helps align it with the organization's data governance policies, ensuring the effective organization of data.
  • Role and access management: Data contracts may define roles and access levels for database users, which can influence the design of the schema in terms of access controls and data segregation.

7. Optimizing performance and efficiency

  • Performance requirements: Contracts can specify performance requirements, guiding the design of efficient indexes, optimized query paths, and streamlined data structures.
  • Resource management: Understanding the expected data load and usage patterns from the contract can guide decisions on resource allocation and optimization in the schema design.

Ready to support your own database schemas? Here’s how to get started

Compared to larger organizations, smaller organizations and startups often require wearing multiple hats, achieving more with less, and just doing what it takes to get the work done. That’s why it’s simply not worth leaving database schema unsupported, which effectively creates little ticking time bombs tucked away in some of the most vulnerable aspects of your data infrastructure.

Fortunately, we’re improving the process required to draft and implement a top-notch data contract, in part because everyone in our data-driven world (not just enterprise organizations) deserves the security and operational support they provide.

Reserve your spot now to learn more about Gable and how you can create a preventative strategy with data contracts.


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